Friday, February 12, 2010

Ugh! Valentine's day!

Valentine's day. Who can tell me the  meaning of Valentine's day? Is it a day to show the people you love how much you love them or appreciate them? Or is it a day for the card and candy makers of the world to make their profit for the year.

For me Valentine's day is just another day. I try to show those that I love each day how much I appreciate them by making dinners, cleaning house, calling or sending emails, the list can go on. I don't need a day to show that and I certainly don't need to spend $4 on a card to show it either.  It is also a day that I don't look forward to because it means that my children will be coming home with a nice sugar high from all the sweets and it will continue through the weekend, that is until I get a moment where the kids are not looking and can throw some of it away. Yes, I am that parents because if you ever saw my kids on a sugar high, it aint pretty.

So for this Valentine's day, just to make you all aware, don't expect any pretty cards, candy or flowers because they aren't coming. I will be sure to make my family dinner and a nice dessert and that is that.

I do hope that you do have a great and lovly day. XOXOXO